Welcome to Pells Post!

…A newsletter written by me, Rachael. It’s a weekly update about my travels and adventures as I make my way around South America – that includes the good (tips about where to stay and what to see), the bad (what not to do) and the hilariously ugly (ie, what happened when Dave tried to throw a dead armadillo over a moat).

Why subscribe?

Subscribing is free and it supports me in my writing by providing evidence for the tax man when it comes to doing my expenses at midnight next January. It also gives me an ego boost.

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Who do I think I am?

Just another anxious journalist trying to make a living in the most fun and silly way I know how. You can take a look at my professional website and portfolio here. Thanks for stopping by!

Subscribe to Pells Post

An entirely self-conscious newsletter about travel, adventure and the politics of freelancing alongside it all. Usually written from the back of a bumpy bus as I make my way around Latin America.


Freelance journalist and author. Ordinarily based in London and Margate; these days writing my way around South America. Currently: 🇧🇴